EUSA Prize Winners

Ernst Haas Fellowship Recipients


Lucia Frigo (Royal Holloway, University of London)

Eunyhea Oh (University of Essex)


Marc Dorpema (New York University)


Tomass Pildegovičs (Cambridge University)


Helene R.R. Frederiksen (University of Copenhagen)

Lucia Kovacikova  (Tulane University)


Roslyn Dubler (Columbia University)

Julia Leschke (London School of Economics and Political Science)

Kai Stern (University of North Carolina)


Nina Obermeier, Cornell University
Deanna Soloninka, University of Edinburgh


Sidita Kushi, Northeastern University
Jenny Poon, University of Western Ontario


Alexandra Liebich, Queen’s University
Julia López Fuentes, Emory University
Bilyana Petrova, Emory University


Alice Ciciora (University of California, Berkeley)
Martijn Mos (Cornell University)


Elise Dufief (Northwestern University)
Christopher Wratil (London School of Economics and Politics)


Andrea Aldrich (University of Pittsburgh)
Matthew Spears (University of Illinois)


Jon Polk ( University of Gothenburg)
Tristan Vellinga (University of Florida)


Juan Antonio Mayoral Diez-Asencio (European University Institute)
Chris Kroh (University of Kansas)
Florian Stoeckel (University of North Carolina)


Leif Hoffman (University of Oregon)
Altan Naz Masraff (London School of Economics and Political Science)


Put Jan Rovny (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Magda Giurcanu (University of Florida)


Jennifer Hadden (Cornell University)
Jennie Schulze (George Washington University)


J. Timo Weishaupt (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Olivia Hall (Cornell University)


Erica Edwards (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Susanne B. Unger (University of Michigan)


Umut Aydin (University of Washington)
Kate Nicholls (University of Notre Dame)


Kristine Mitchell (Princeton University)


2023 EUSA Prize Winners

EUSA Award for Lifetime Achievement in European Studies

Brigid Laffan

EUSA Best Book Award 2021-2022

Sarah Wolff - Secular Power Europe and Islam: Identity and Foreign Policy

    Honorable Mention

Frédéric Mérand - The Political Commissioner: A European Ethnography

Peo Hansen - A Modern Migration Theory: An Alternative Economic Approach to Failed EU Policy

Best Paper Presented at the 2019 EUSA Conference

Nina Obermeier - Right-Wing Populism and the Rise of Internationalism in Europe

Giorgio Malet and Stefanie Walter - Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too? Public Opinion, Exit Precedents, and the Perceived Costs of Non-cooperation

    Honorable Mention

Anatole Cheysson and Nicolo Fraccaroli - Changing Voting Dimensions in the European Parliament, 2004-2021

Best EU Studies Dissertation Defended in 2021-2022

Nina Obermeier (Cornell University) - The New Internationalists: How the Populist Radical Right Drives Support for International Economic Integration


2021 EUSA Prize Winners

EUSA Award for Lifetime Achievement in European Studies

Helen Wallace

EUSA Best Book Award 2019-2020

Christina Schneider - The Responsive Union: National Elections and European Governance

    Honorable Mention

Vivien Schmidt  - Europe’s Crisis of Legitimacy

Best Paper Presented at the 2019 EUSA Conference

Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks  - Grand Theories of European Integration in the 21st Century

Best EU Studies Dissertation Defended in 2019-2020

Tommaso Pavone (University of Oslo) The Ghostwriters: Lawyers and the Politics Behind the Judicial Construction of Europe

            Honorable Mention

Julia Schulte-Cloos (European University Institute) European Integration and the Surge of the Populist Radical Right

2019 EUSA Prize Winners

EUSA Award for Lifetime Achievement in European Studies

Vivien Schmidt

EUSA Best Book Award 2017-2018

Catherine De Vries - Euroscepticism and the Future of European Integration

    Honorable Mention

Jonathon Moses  - Eurobondage: The Political Clash of Monetary Union in Europe

Best Paper Presented at the 2017 EUSA Conference

Zsófia Barta and Alison Johnston  - "Rating Politics? Partisan Discrimination in Credit Ratings in Developed Economies"

     Honorable Mention

Niels Gheyle and Ferdi De Ville - "How Much Is Enough? Transparency Demands in Trade Negotiations: the case of TTIP"

Best EU Studies Dissertation Defended in 2017-2018

Roman Senninger (Aarhus University) - Political Parties & Parliamentary EU Oversight 


2017 EUSA Prize Winners

EUSA Award for Lifetime Achievement in European Studies

George Ross

EUSA Best Book Award 2015-2016

Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen - An Ever More Powerful Court

    Honorable Mention

Alison Johnston  - From Convergence to Crisis: Labor Markets and the Instability of the Euro WilliamPhelan -  In Place of Inter-State Retaliation

Best Paper Presented at the 2015 EUSA Conference

Anke Hassel, Jette Steen Knudsen and Bettina Wagner - "Winning the Battle or Losing the War: The Impact of European Integration on Labour Market Institutions in Germany and Denmark"

Best EU Studies Dissertation Defended in 2015-2016

Sanja Badanjak (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Coping with Europe - The Impact of the European Union on Party Systems in European Democracies 

2015 EUSA Prize Winners

EUSA Award for Lifetime Achievement in European Studies

James Caporaso

EUSA Best Book Award 2013-2014

Clifford Carruba and Matthew Gabel - International Courts and the Performance of International Agreements: A General Theory with Evidence from the European Union

Best Paper Presented at the 2013 EUSA Conference

Dan Keleman and Terence Teo - "Law and the Eurozone Crisis: Law, Focal Points and Fiscal Discipline"

Honorable Mention: Mert Kartal "Accounting for Bad Apples: The EU's Impact on National Corruption Before and After Accession"

Best EU Studies Dissertation Defended in 2013-2014

Phillip Mansour Ayoub (Cornell University)
When States 'Come Out': Politics of Visibility and the Diffusion of Sexual Minority Rights in Europe

2013 EUSA Prize Winners

EUSA Award for Lifetime Achievement in European Studies

Alberta Sbragia

EUSA Best Book Award 2011-2012

Dan Kelemen - Eurolegalism: The Transformation of Law and Regulation in the European Union
Honorable Mention-Robert Thomson - Resolving Controversy in the European Union

Best Paper Presented at the 2011 EUSA Conference

Heike Kluver - "Lobbying as a collective enterprise: Interest groups and policy-making in the European Union"

Best EU Studies Dissertation Defended in 2011-2012

Naz Masraff (London School of Economics)
Why Keep Complying? Compliance with EU Conditionality under Diminished Credibility in Turkey

2011 EUSA Prize Winners

EUSA Award for Lifetime Achievement in European Studies

Jeremy Richardson

EUSA Award for Best Book Publishedin 2009 or 2010

Sara Hobolt Europe in Question

Honorable Mention

Paul Craig The Lisbon Treaty: Law, Politics and Treaty Reform
Marc Howard The Politics of Citizenship in Europe

EUSA Award for Best Dissertation Defended in 2009 or 2010

Nikoleta Yordanova Legislative Organisation of the European Parliament: The Role of Committees

EUSA Award for Best Paper Presented at the 2009 EUSA Conference

Tina Freyburg "Planting the Seeds of Change"

2009 EUSA Prize Winners

EUSA Award for Lifetime Achievement in European Studies

Philippe C. Schmitter

EUSA Public Service Award in European Studies

Ruth Mitchell-Pitts, Executive Director of the European Union Center of Excellence, University of North Carolina

EUSA Award for the best book published in 2007 or 2008

Fabio Franchino. 2007. The Powers of the Union: Delegation in the EU. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Honorable Mention

Simon Hix, Abdul Noury and Gerard Roland. 2007. Democratic Politics in the European Parliament. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

EUSA Award for the Best Dissertation defended in 2007 or 2008

Alexandra Hennessy. Economic Interests, Domestic Constraints, and the Creation of a European Single Pension Market. Ph.D. Dissertation Boston University.

Honorable Mention

Umut Aydin, From Competition to Cooperation: Subsidies in the United States, Canada and the European Union. Ph.D. Dissertation University of Washington.

EUSA Award for the Best Paper presented at the 2007 EUSA conference

Tom Delreux (University of Leuven). "The EU as a Negotiator in Multilateral Chemicals Negotiations: Multiple Principals, Different Agents."

Honorable Mention

Alexandra Hennessy (Clarkson University). "Cheap Talk or Credible Signals? Economic Interests and the Construction of a Single Pension Market in Europe."

2007 EUSA Prize Winners

2007 Award for Lifetime Contribution to the Field of EU Studies

Fritz Scharpf

From his early work through his most recent articles (e.g., "The European Social Model: Coping with the Challenges of Diversity" (JCMS, 2002), Scharpf has arguably done more than any other scholar of his generation to illuminate the implications of European integration for both democracy and social welfare. And given that he has produced one book and eleven articles since his "retirement" in 2003, scholars in our field can no doubt look forward to continued groundbreaking work from Professor Scharpf.

Best Dissertation in EU Studies

Seth Kincaid Jolly (Duke University) "A Europe of the Regions? Regional integration, sub-national mobilization and the optimal size of states" (dissertation advisor: Professor Herbert Kitschelt)

Honorable Mention

Nils Ringe (University of Pittsburgh) "Policy preference formation in legislative politics: Structures, actors, and focal point"(dissertation advisor: Professor Alberta Sbragia)

Honorable Mention

Adam Luedtke (University of Washington) "One Market, 25 States, 20 Million Outsiders: Supranational Integration and the Politics of Immigration"(dissertation advisor: Professor James Caporaso)

Best Book in EU Studies

Gerda Falkner, Oliver Treib, Miriam Hartlapp, and Simone Leiber. Complying with Europe. EU Harmonisation and Soft Law in the Member States, Cambridge University Press 2005

Honorable Mention

Stefano Bartolini. Restructuring Europe. Centre Formation, System Building, and Political Structuring between the Nation State and the European Union, Oxford University Press 2005

Best 2005 EUSA Conference Paper

Gabriel Swank (Stanford University) and Tim Buthe (Duke University) "The politics of antitrust and merger review in the European Union: Institutional change and decisions from Messina to 2004"

2005 EUSA Prize Winners

At the EUSA's 2005 Ninth Biennial International Conference, EUSA awarded the following prizes:

Best 2003 EUSA Conference Paper

Henrik Enderlein (Freie Universitat Berlin) Adjusting to the EMU: The Impact of Monetary Union on Domestic Fiscal and Wage-Setting Institutions"

Best Dissertation in EU Studies

Christine Arnold, Co-Winner (University of Massachusetts-Amherst) "How Two-Level Entrepreneurship Works: A Case Study of Ratcheting Up a Europe-Wide Employment Strategy" [Directed by Professor Eric S. Einhorn]
Berthold Rittberger, Co-Winner (University of Oxford) "The Parliamentarisation of the European Community" [Directed by Jeremy Professor Richardson]

Best Book in EU Studies-Honorable Mention

Mark Hallerberg, "Domestic Budgets in a United Europe: Fiscal Governance from the End of Bretton Woods to EMU", Cornell University Press, 2004

Best Book in EU Studies

Frank Schimmelfennig, "The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe: Rules and Rhetoric", Cambridge University Press, 2003

2005 Award for Lifetime Contribution to the Field of EU Studies

Eric Stein, Hessell E. Yntema Professor of Law Emeritus, University of Michigan

Eric Stein was one of the pioneers in the field of EU law, establishing one of the first European law courses taught in a U.S. Law School and building up a major and renowned centre of EU law study at the University of Michigan. He has been described as a "master comparativist" who established European law as a subject worthy of study in North America, and his work on comparative federalism and comparative law has been important and influential.

2003 EUSA Prize Winners

At EUSA's 2003 Eighth Biennial International Conference, the European Union Studies Association awarded the following prizes:

Best 2001 ECSA Conference Paper

Virginie Guiraudon (Universiti de Lille II) "The EU 'Garbage Can': Accounting for Policy Developments in the Immigration Domain"

Best Dissertation in EU Studies

Georg Menz (University of Pittsburgh) "National Response Strategies to Transnational Challenges: The Austrian, French, and German Re-regulation of the Liberalization of Service Provision in the European Union Wage" [Alberta Sbragia, Dissertation Chair]

Lifetime Contribution Award in EU Studies

Stanley Hoffmann (Harvard University) was unamimously selected by EUSA's 2001-2003 Executive Committee as the third recipient of this award.

"Hoffmann's scholarship and commentary on Europe and European integration have for decades been our intellectual benchmark. He has analyzed and explained the deeper logic of the building of Europe with unequaled grasp of the intersections of domestic, EU and international politics ... Without Hoffmann's wisdom and science, Europeans and Americans would not know and understand each other nearly as well as they now do." --Martin A. Schain, 2001-2003 Chair, European Union Studies Association.

2001 ECSA Prize Winners

At EUSA's 2001 Seventh Biennial International Conference, the EUSA (then known as European Community Studies Association) awarded the following prizes:

Best 1999 ECSA Conference Paper

David Green (University of Wisconsin Madison) "Who Are 'The Europeans'? European Political Identity in the Context of the Post-War Integration Project".

Best Dissertation in EU Studies

Joseph Jupille (University of Washington Seattle) "Procedural Politics: Issues, Interests, and Institutional Choice in the European Union" [James A. Caporaso, Dissertation Chair]

Lifetime Contribution Award in EU Studies

Leon Lindberg (University of Wisconsin Madison), was unanimously selected by ECSA's 1999-2001 Executive Committee as the second recipient of this award.

"Lindberg's work on European integration set the standard for subsequent work on theories of integration. The concepts, arguments, and lines of analyses he developed still serve as the intellectual foundation for theoretical work on the European Union ... the study of European integration will occupy many scholars for at least several generations, and all of them will be permanently in Lindberg's intellectual debt." --Vivien A. Schmidt, 1999-2001 Chair, European Community Studies Association.

1999 ECSA Prize Winners

At ECSA's 1999 Sixth Biennial International Conference, the ECSA awarded the following prizes:

Best 1997 ECSA Conference Paper

Karen Alter (Smith College), "Who Are the 'Masters of the Treaty'? European Governments and the European Court of Justice"

Best Dissertation in EU Studies

Marc Smyrl (Harvard University), "European Policies, Regional Programs, Local Politics: Implementing European Community Regional Policy, 1985-1994" [Peter A. Hall, Dissertation Advisor]

Lifetime Contribution Award in EU Studies

Ernst B. Haas (University of California at Berkeley) was unanimously selected by ECSA's 1997-99 Executive Committee as the first recipient of this award.

"Haas' ideas and books have defined the field of European integration studies, and they remain a potent source of theory testing and elaboration today. The theory with which his name is indelibly associated--neofunctionalism--was not only the first comprehensive theory of European integration but has been by far the most influential."--Gary Marks, 1997-1999 Chair, European Community Studies Association.