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EUSA Conference Papers
2022: EUSA 17th Biennial Conference
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Ideology and Crises: Voting in the European Parliament from 2004 to 2021
What drives contemporary political development? The case of the EU
Unbalanced: The Intersection of Growth and Balance of Payments Resolution Models
Ideas, Interests, and the Balance of Payments
European Union Delegation, Missions and Operations: A Complex Relation
A Right to the Effective Access to “Rights”: A Pleonasm?
The politics of merit in EU free movement law
Should we have representation at Facebook?
EU and US Narratives of Order and Disorder in Their Southern Neighbourhoods After the Migration Crises
‘The Making of European Harmony’: Coordinating Activities in the European Council after the Lisbon Treaty
Language Power in Europe
Engaged Robots, and Disengaged Workers: Automation and Political Apathy
Europeanizing the National Political Space: EU Integration and Party Competition in France (1992-2022)
Terrorism as an unprecedented and long-term threat to national security poses by a securitised terrorist ‘Other’: the securitization and crystallization of exceptional extraordinary powers in France. Are French counterterrorism strategies a colonial legac
The Russian Connection: On populism, radicalism and the relationship between Eurosceptic and pro-Russian positions among political parties in Europe
The New Role of the European Commission in European Security and Defence Cooperation: Theoretical and Empirical Implications for European Integration
The EU’s Sphere of Influence: Eurafrica, Present and Past
Fairness for Outsiders: Negative Externalities Reduce Public Support for Differentiated Integration in the EU
Autocratization Induced Policy Learning in the European Union – A Conceptual Framework
A new form of parliamentary integration in Europe: Understanding the motivations behind the establishment of the Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly